Balta Group used to process all the mail itself, but that had a lot of disadvantages, such as a large cost. Until it received a proposal from EasyPost.

Would you recommend EasyPost?

“Certainly! EasyPost relieves companies of a number of administrative tasks and costs and all this is supported by a reliable service provision.”

Dieter De Jans
Purchasing manager indirect goods & services Balta Group

How did you operate before?

“We used to process our outgoing mail in the traditional way: we franked the mail ourselves, after which bpost would collect it. But for that we saddled ourselves with the high cost of renting the franking machine, we lost valuable time by franking all the mail ourselves and we didn’t enjoy the most economical franking fees.”

Why do you work with us now?

“With the elimination of franking there is now time for other tasks with added value. The financial aspect is also a pleasant surprise. The rent of the franking machine is eliminated and we enjoy discounts on the franking fees. And another thing: thanks to the online portal, we don’t have to keep track of documents and so they can’t get lost. Handy for registered mail!”

How did the transition to EasyPost go?

“Very smoothly. We came into contact with EasyPost via your account manager Jordi. The business case he proposed for a transition was crystal clear. After a test period at our head-office at the end of 2019 we decided to roll this out further.”

Who is Balta Group? Balta Group has been producing carpets and rugs for residential and commercial use since 1964. Since 2022, the company belongs to Victoria PLC, an international manufacturer and distributor of innovating products for floor covering.

What are the top benefits?

  • Time saved: since Balta Group no longer franks mail itself, there is more time for tasks with added value.
  • Financially economical: costs such as hiring the franking machine are eliminated and the company can enjoy more economical franking fees.
  • Simple administration: thanks to the customer portal, Balta Group no longer needs to retain any documents.